A beautiful sunny day here in Tacoma's Wright Park.
Tacoma is such an amazing hot mess of cultural diversity, with gentrified areas adjoining the projects andtwo blocks later it flips again, and century-old buildings next to ones built yesterday.
The park is far from full, but I see pretty much every ethnic group, and a half-dozen cultures I can identify, so who knows how many I can't.
There's even an Amish-looking dude open-carrying his sidearm and two extra clips.
Like I said: wondrous diversity.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
VnV - Weird Dreams Potato Oblivion
Another one of those things from 1999, originally posted on the WebRPG VnV forum. I'm not sure I even want to give this an introduction, other than that. :-)
Then our hero made a wrong turn and came to face with the gang leader. (The leader and his cronies had been striding arrogantly through the chaos spreading FUD). Faced leader to leader, the gang leader conjured his most devastating spell (see below) to demonstrate how truly futile resistance was (and because he wanted to show off). This is when our hero discovered his own powers. Everyone (including our hero) was startled when the animated spell object simply returned to normal and fell limply from the sky. Naturally, the gang leader (having to save face) tried again. This time, our hero had a bit more understanding and a few seconds later the animated object turned upon its summoner and his cronies obliterating them completely and demoralizing the villains who then fled the scene in a panic.
Magical Spells / Psionics / Mutant Power: By spending one action per turn, the character can automatically duplicate and take control of any magical or psionic energy released into the environment within (I+C)/5 inches of himself. The character gains the ability to use the power in the future, just as if he was the original user (using his own Level, Attributes, etc.). The character does not understand the power, however, and can never really improve or modify it beyond very tight restrictions (certain powers are more flexible than others). Note, the character does not gain the full power of the original user, merely the power demonstrated. For example, if someone broadcast thoughts to the character, the character could duplicate thought casting (and in this case block the thought caster by shutting down the power) but would not be able to read thoughts until someone tried to read his mind. Note also that the energy must be “released into the environment”, which typically does not occur in contact-based powers (where the energy moves directly from attacker to victim) nor does it relate to abilities inherent to an object (he could not affect a magical sword for example).
Potato Oblivion: This terrible spell is nearly impossible to master and anyone who does is therefore granted significant respect. Through fell magicks, the caster can take an ordinary bag (typically empty potato chip bag after which the spell is named) and animate it. The animated bag expands as it flies around until it is the size of a small car. Anyone passing through the opening of the bag (typically as it swoops into him, engulfing him), is never seen again. It does not have great range, but it is hard to dodge.
VnV - Gamma World Death Machine
The Gamma World Death Machine is an iconic bit of RPG lore, and classic sci-fi horror. Again, this was something I had originally mocked up for WebRPG, back around 1999. These things are deliberately overkill, in any game system. By today's standards, these would be the boss monster that your Level 60 Guild joins with other Guilds to try to take down.
Roving engines of destruction, Death Machines were employed by all sides in the great wars before the Apocalypse. Their exact size, shape and weaponry vary, but they are all super-heavily armored, mount scores of weapons, and have the most powerful artificially intelligent systems available at the time. Some have been trapped for uncounted years and gone slightly insane. Some continue to follow their original directives, and yet others have gone rogue, following their own initiative and wants.
A typical Death Machine is 20m x 30m x 10m in size, bristles with ports, barrels, nozzles and drums, is painted flat black in color and speaks in a booming malevolent voice. It weighs in at 60 tons and the combat systems can coordinate any number of targets simultaneously. They are at least 4th level and gain experience normally.
Death Machine
Roving engines of destruction, Death Machines were employed by all sides in the great wars before the Apocalypse. Their exact size, shape and weaponry vary, but they are all super-heavily armored, mount scores of weapons, and have the most powerful artificially intelligent systems available at the time. Some have been trapped for uncounted years and gone slightly insane. Some continue to follow their original directives, and yet others have gone rogue, following their own initiative and wants.
A typical Death Machine is 20m x 30m x 10m in size, bristles with ports, barrels, nozzles and drums, is painted flat black in color and speaks in a booming malevolent voice. It weighs in at 60 tons and the combat systems can coordinate any number of targets simultaneously. They are at least 4th level and gain experience normally.
- Robotic Body,
- Heightened Strength,
- Body Power (self-repair lets it “heal” at the normal healing rate up to original hit points)
- Doesn’t look anything like a human
- Invulnerability: +60
- Force Field
- Body Power (Fast Recovery)
- Adaptation: PR = 0
- Heightened Attack
- Heightened Expertise: all attacks
- Lightning Control
- Body Power (Boosted Initiative)
- Flight
- Heightened Endurance B
- Heightened Intelligence B
- Heightened Senses: IR, UV, low-light, thermograph, ultrasonic, infrasonic, +12 against range mods., chemical and radiation sensors. All sensors have a range of at least 1 mile. Radar with a range of 250 miles.
- Mutant Power (can use all powers once per phase at PR = 0 and no “to hit” penalties. If uses any single power or weapon system more than once per phase, apply normal multiple attack rules against that one power or weapon system.)
- Weapon Systems. It can use any and all of the following weapons:
- Death Rays (4 units): Death Touch at 2 mile range. Attacks as Paralysis Ray. If the victim makes both saves, he still takes 1d20 damage.
- Lasers (18 units): Attacks as Light Control attack with base “to hit” of 12, 2d12 damage, 100 mile range.
- Blasters (10 units): Power Blast attack to a range of 25 miles for 2d20 damage.
- Mini-missile Launchers (4 units): fire missiles which mount HE warheads. Range of 6000", speed of 1500" per turn. Target takes collision damage from the 150 lb. missile, plus 4d10 explosion in 8" radius. Missiles are intelligent, have normal sight, IR sight, and radar. They can dodge incoming attacks, or pursue targets that evade. They attack HTH + 5 as 4th level characters. Each launcher has 100 missiles.
- Nuclear Missiles: 10 intercontinental missiles with small nuclear warheads, 4 intercontinental missiles with large nuclear warheads.
VnV - Roaches with Bazookas
Way back in 1999, we had WebRPG as our social media platform for VnV, and I wrote a few things. I have no memory of what started this, other than it was some kind of Gamma World conversion, and probably a joke comment someone made off hand.
The Roaches have bodies about 6' long. The have three pairs of limbs. The top two pairs are well adapted for object handling, including three fingers and opposable thumb. The hind limbs are designed for bipedal movement. The Roaches can move on all six limbs, and do so very quickly. Their natural chiton is very thick, and small spaces can be hollowed out for storage. Because of the contaminants of the environment, their physiology is highly variable.
Insect Powers
Body Power (Universal Digestion): They can and do eat anything.
Heightened Expertise: they are combat monsters and gain +4 “to hit” with all attacks
Apparently, my Google-Fu is not up to snuff, as I couldn't find a picture of a cockroach holding a bazooka. About the best I found was Ant Bazooka.
Roaches with Bazookas
Even before the Apocalypse, a number of scientific enclaves were studying and experimenting roaches and other insects to determine what made them so hardy in hopes of breeding some of these traits into the human genome. One of these enclaves had several “successes” of sorts, and when the Apocalypse arrived, they were well prepared. Years later, the members of the enclave emerged from their hidden shelter and began to scavenge the country-side. They became nomadic pillagers, and little could stand before their physical and intellectual talents. While over time, their secret knowledge began to wane, they are still incredibly tough.The Roaches have bodies about 6' long. The have three pairs of limbs. The top two pairs are well adapted for object handling, including three fingers and opposable thumb. The hind limbs are designed for bipedal movement. The Roaches can move on all six limbs, and do so very quickly. Their natural chiton is very thick, and small spaces can be hollowed out for storage. Because of the contaminants of the environment, their physiology is highly variable.
Insect Powers
- Heightened Strength A
- Heightened Endurance A
- Armor A
- Special (extra limbs. Bipedal w/4 arms allows one extra attack per phase at PR=0. Quadrupedal movement grants +30" ground move, Hexapedal movement grants +60")
- Heightened Senses: Compound eyes grant +5% to sight detection rolls, no facing penalty to side, rear facing penalty reduced by half, ultraviolet vision
Body Power (Universal Digestion): They can and do eat anything.
Heightened Expertise: they are combat monsters and gain +4 “to hit” with all attacks
Apparently, my Google-Fu is not up to snuff, as I couldn't find a picture of a cockroach holding a bazooka. About the best I found was Ant Bazooka.
Friday, May 4, 2018
Converting the Garrote to MP
Based on a G+ thread raised by Toric
I mostly republished this as a teaching exercise in things you can do with the MP rules. There is an official version of the garrote in the MP edition of Intercrime Hostile Takeover, but frankly I don't feel like it captures the lethality of the VnV source weapon, nor does it capture the flavor of the "enigmatic deadly assassin weapon" either. So, anyway, here you go.
One of the most brilliant parts of VnV 2.x was the ability to create powers and abilities that broke the rules, without actually breaking the rules. Lovely and flexible toolkit, that.
Abilities like Death Touch and Garrote in 2e are literally "save or die" abilities - they break every design rule behind things like Hit Points, Power Score, Stun Points, Recovery Saves, blah, blah, whatever you want to call it by game system.
This is why a LOT of DnD spells changed from "save or die" to "does X number of hit points damage" or "save every round to shake off the effect" between DnD 2e to 3e, and even more from 3e to 3.5e - players hate having their characters taken out by "save or die" effects. It just sucks.
Now, "save or die" effects are also anathema to point-buy game systems, because the entire function of a point-buy system is to have a certain inherent balance to things.
Somewhere on the MHG forums, someone did a brilliant breakdown of how the damaging powers of Mighty Protectors could be reconstructed using Power Blast as the root, plus Modifiers. It turns out the various damaging powers - including Death Touch - are balanced against each other.
Now, speaking of Death Touch, you can see how it changed from VnV to MP as an example of what I mean how "save or die" sucks and doesn't play well with point-buy.
MP Death Touch does Hit Point damage. It's heavily unavoidable, so the target can die quickly, but now the number of hit points actually matters. Behemoth, with his phat pile of HP, can no longer be wiped out instantly by a failed EN save (and, given his EN is 11, he's at even odds of instant death). Instead, Behemoth can soak a LOT of zaps from MP Death Touch.
So, six-of-one, half-dozen-of-the-other. Same as was seen in DnD, the "I am a god!" effect players used to enjoy inflicting on enemies is gone, but the "Well, that SUCKED!" effect players used to suffer from "save or die" effects is also gone.
However, as +Jeff Dee points out, MP remains unusual (like it's predecessor) in that it retains a built-in mechanism for allowing players to "break the rules" without breaking the rules.
That is, the Miscellaneous Modifier (p. 92), which is a catch-all for "the player came up with something not well represented by any other combination of rules, so let's make something up, and give it a cost based on how much it torques the game."
Soooo, to answer your question, to recreate a garrote, I might go something like:
Garrote - Paralysis Ray: EN Save at -2 (15), Modifiers: Accuracy +1 (+2.5), Gear (-5), Requires Special Attack (-5), Negated by Adaptation to Asphyxiation, or Life Support (-5), Different Damage Type (Special) (+10), Requires 2 Hands (-2.5), Miscellaneous Modifier (if target is knocked unconscious, attacker can spend entire next round continuing to strangle the victim, and the victim dies, end of discussion, game over, roll up a new character) (+20) (30 CP)
I mostly republished this as a teaching exercise in things you can do with the MP rules. There is an official version of the garrote in the MP edition of Intercrime Hostile Takeover, but frankly I don't feel like it captures the lethality of the VnV source weapon, nor does it capture the flavor of the "enigmatic deadly assassin weapon" either. So, anyway, here you go.
Toric opened the can of worms
The VnV version of the Intercrime Assassins are equipped with garrotes. I'm not sure how to build a garrote in MP. In the module, the garrote is +1 to hit, must make special attack from behind to the neck, HTH damage to power only, target must make a d20 save vs Endurance or be knocked out and then if strangulation continues for one turn past when the target is knocked out, the target is dead.My monologue on modelling the garrote
Well, now you've opened that old "Fort Save or Die" can of worms :-)One of the most brilliant parts of VnV 2.x was the ability to create powers and abilities that broke the rules, without actually breaking the rules. Lovely and flexible toolkit, that.
Abilities like Death Touch and Garrote in 2e are literally "save or die" abilities - they break every design rule behind things like Hit Points, Power Score, Stun Points, Recovery Saves, blah, blah, whatever you want to call it by game system.
This is why a LOT of DnD spells changed from "save or die" to "does X number of hit points damage" or "save every round to shake off the effect" between DnD 2e to 3e, and even more from 3e to 3.5e - players hate having their characters taken out by "save or die" effects. It just sucks.
Now, "save or die" effects are also anathema to point-buy game systems, because the entire function of a point-buy system is to have a certain inherent balance to things.
Somewhere on the MHG forums, someone did a brilliant breakdown of how the damaging powers of Mighty Protectors could be reconstructed using Power Blast as the root, plus Modifiers. It turns out the various damaging powers - including Death Touch - are balanced against each other.
Now, speaking of Death Touch, you can see how it changed from VnV to MP as an example of what I mean how "save or die" sucks and doesn't play well with point-buy.
MP Death Touch does Hit Point damage. It's heavily unavoidable, so the target can die quickly, but now the number of hit points actually matters. Behemoth, with his phat pile of HP, can no longer be wiped out instantly by a failed EN save (and, given his EN is 11, he's at even odds of instant death). Instead, Behemoth can soak a LOT of zaps from MP Death Touch.
So, six-of-one, half-dozen-of-the-other. Same as was seen in DnD, the "I am a god!" effect players used to enjoy inflicting on enemies is gone, but the "Well, that SUCKED!" effect players used to suffer from "save or die" effects is also gone.
However, as +Jeff Dee points out, MP remains unusual (like it's predecessor) in that it retains a built-in mechanism for allowing players to "break the rules" without breaking the rules.
That is, the Miscellaneous Modifier (p. 92), which is a catch-all for "the player came up with something not well represented by any other combination of rules, so let's make something up, and give it a cost based on how much it torques the game."
Soooo, to answer your question, to recreate a garrote, I might go something like:
Garrote - Paralysis Ray: EN Save at -2 (15), Modifiers: Accuracy +1 (+2.5), Gear (-5), Requires Special Attack (-5), Negated by Adaptation to Asphyxiation, or Life Support (-5), Different Damage Type (Special) (+10), Requires 2 Hands (-2.5), Miscellaneous Modifier (if target is knocked unconscious, attacker can spend entire next round continuing to strangle the victim, and the victim dies, end of discussion, game over, roll up a new character) (+20) (30 CP)
Monday, April 23, 2018
MP - Annihilator from Death Duel with the Destroyers
I was thinking one day about why anyone would exile General Ar Torrester rather than just kill him. I mean, if history has taught us anything, it's that people with skills and leadership qualities can be dangerous, even in exile.
Then it occurred to me: Annihilator can put on a spacesuit, climb aboard an assault shuttle with a crack strike squad, then simple disintegrate holes in enemy spaceships - he can literally destroy an enemy armada by venting them into space.
Annihilator could wipe out an enemy spacefleet by himself.
That is the kind of weapon that gets put into a box and kept track of, because it is too valuable to destroy, and Heaven forbid, someone would find a way to use it again some day.
Endurance 11 (Save 10, Heal 1.0)
Agility 32 (Save 14)
Intelligence 13 (Save 11)
Cool 17 (Save 11, Initiative d6+1)
Hit Points 24
Power 72
Physical Defense 6
Mental Defense 3
Move 24 (see below)
Inventing Points 7
Wealth d8+1
Luck 10-
Weight 220 lbs.
Total Cost 89 + 216 - 20 = 285
Low Self-Control: Arrogant and ruthless; no compunction about killing (Uncommon, Character Hook) (-7.5 CP)
Nemesis: Hunted or opposed by various factions on this backwater planet Earth, as well as worthy opponents back in Civilization (As powerful, Rare) (-7.5 CP)
Personal Problem: Works for Dr Armageddon (Rare) (-5 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d6+4/d6+4 (avg 15/7)
Unarmed: Attack 19-, Damage d6+5 (avg 8)
Power Blast: Attack 19-, Damage 2d10+4 (avg 15)
Disintegration Ray: Attack 19-, Damage 2d10+4 (avg 15)
a. Disintegration: 1d10 untyped (43), Range [12”] (+0), NRG Cost [1 per use] (-2), Multi-Power (-3) [25 CP]
b. Power Blast: 2d8-1 Energy [pure energy] (37), Range [12”] (+0), Multi-Power (-3) [25 CP]
Shield: 6 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (7), Innate (+3) [10 CP]
Armor Generation: 5 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Electromagnetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (13), Area Effect [13" dia., shapes, perimeter] (+9), Brittle (-4), Range [12"] (+3) [38 CP]
Heightened PHYS: +6 (6), CON Only (-3) [4 CP]
Heightened Speed: +2 levels (34) [34 CP]
Speed Bonus: Ground move x2 (3), top speed and acceleration (+3). Acceleration 16”/turn, top speed 48”/round [4 CP]
Flight: Acceleration 20”/turn, top speed 288”/round (16) [16 CP]
Regeneration: 1 Hit Point per round of rest (8) [8 CP]
Leadership: (COOL/G), +2 levels, d10 effect (5) [5 CP]
Shield: (DEFT/G), +0 levels, d10 effect
Tactics: (INTL/S), Interstellar Space, +2 levels, d8 effect (5) [5 CP]
Weapon: (DEFT/G), Disintegration and Power Blast, +1 level, d12 effect (2) (+3) [3 CP]
Low Self-Control: Arrogant and ruthless; no compunction about killing (Uncommon, Character Hook)
Nemesis: Hunted or opposed by various factions on this backwater planet Earth, as well as worthy opponents back in Civilization (As powerful, Rare)
Personal Problem: Works for Dr Armageddon (Rare)
Side: Destroyers
Sex: Male
Experience: 15,699
Level: 5
Age: 104
Training: end.
Basic Hits: 5
Agility Mod.: -
Strength: 16
Endurance: 11
Agility: 32
Intelligence: 13
Charisma: 17
Reactions from: Good:-2 Evil:+2
Hit Mod. (1.4) ( 1 ) ( 3 . 1 ) ( 1 . 1 ) = 4.774
Hit Points (24)
Damage Mod.: +4
Heal.Rate: 1.25 per day or turn
Accuracy: +5
Power (72)
Carrying Capacity: 572
Basic Hth. Damage: 1d8
Movement Rates: 145"/774" flying
Det. Hidden: 10%
Det. Danger: 14%
Inventing Points: 6.5
Inventing (39%)

Villains and Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Unofficial Living Legends Companion written by Patric L. Rogers, Copyright © 2010-2017 by Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. (Note: For compatibility reasons, and because Jeff Dee asked me to, I used only the core Living Legends rules on this character, and not any of the optional rules I developed in the Companion, e.g. skill cost saving rules. I did the original LL hack back in 2011.)
Death Duel with the Destroyers written by Bill Willingham, published by Fantasy Games Unlimited.
Then it occurred to me: Annihilator can put on a spacesuit, climb aboard an assault shuttle with a crack strike squad, then simple disintegrate holes in enemy spaceships - he can literally destroy an enemy armada by venting them into space.
Annihilator could wipe out an enemy spacefleet by himself.
That is the kind of weapon that gets put into a box and kept track of, because it is too valuable to destroy, and Heaven forbid, someone would find a way to use it again some day.
Mighty Protectors
Strength 16 (Carrying Capacity 312 lbs., Basic HTH d6+1)Endurance 11 (Save 10, Heal 1.0)
Agility 32 (Save 14)
Intelligence 13 (Save 11)
Cool 17 (Save 11, Initiative d6+1)
Hit Points 24
Power 72
Physical Defense 6
Mental Defense 3
Move 24 (see below)
Inventing Points 7
Wealth d8+1
Luck 10-
Weight 220 lbs.
Total Cost 89 + 216 - 20 = 285
- Disintegration: A) Disintegration Ray, Damage 2d10, Range 16”, PR=2 (20 CP)
- Durability: Hit Points +7 (7 CP)
- Experience Levels: Attack +2, Defense +2, Skills +2 (20 CP)
- Flight: Acceleration 64, Top Speed 256 (87 MPH, or 174 MPH with Push) (20), Modifiers: Fast Acceleration (+5), Hyper-Flight (Warp 10) (+10) (35 CP)
- Force Field: A) Personal Force Field (Force Bubble), Protection Kinetic 6, Energy 6, Biochemical 6, Entropy 6, PR=16 (20), Modifiers: Area Effect (7” dia., Adjustable, Perimeter) (+7.5), Range (EN”) (+10) (37.5 CP)
- Heightened Agility: AG +18 (included above)
- Heightened Attack: Damage +4 all attacks (17.5 CP)
- Heightened Initiative: Init +4 (10 CP)
- Knowledge: Native Language (Native, Literate), English Language (Fluent, Literate) (4 CP)
- Power Blast: Damage 2d10, Range 14”, PR=1 (20 CP)
- Regeneration: Heal 1 Hit Point per round of rest (17.5), Modifiers: Unlimited (+5) (22.5 CP)
- Speed: Acceleration 24, Top Speed 48 (96 with Super Speed) (2.5), Modifiers: Fast Acceleration (+2.5) (5 CP)
- Super Speed: Add +1 turn per round, PR=2 per round (10 CP)
- Wealth: d8+1 Wealth roll (7.5 CP)
Low Self-Control: Arrogant and ruthless; no compunction about killing (Uncommon, Character Hook) (-7.5 CP)
Nemesis: Hunted or opposed by various factions on this backwater planet Earth, as well as worthy opponents back in Civilization (As powerful, Rare) (-7.5 CP)
Personal Problem: Works for Dr Armageddon (Rare) (-5 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d6+4/d6+4 (avg 15/7)
Unarmed: Attack 19-, Damage d6+5 (avg 8)
Power Blast: Attack 19-, Damage 2d10+4 (avg 15)
Disintegration Ray: Attack 19-, Damage 2d10+4 (avg 15)
Living Legends
PHYS 16 (CON 22), REFL 22, DEFT 22, INTL 11, COOL 11, VITL 16, Mass 100 Kgs (d4 Mass effect), Fame 6Multi-Power
a. Disintegration: 1d10 untyped (43), Range [12”] (+0), NRG Cost [1 per use] (-2), Multi-Power (-3) [25 CP]
b. Power Blast: 2d8-1 Energy [pure energy] (37), Range [12”] (+0), Multi-Power (-3) [25 CP]
Shield: 6 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (7), Innate (+3) [10 CP]
Armor Generation: 5 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Electromagnetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (13), Area Effect [13" dia., shapes, perimeter] (+9), Brittle (-4), Range [12"] (+3) [38 CP]
Heightened PHYS: +6 (6), CON Only (-3) [4 CP]
Heightened Speed: +2 levels (34) [34 CP]
Speed Bonus: Ground move x2 (3), top speed and acceleration (+3). Acceleration 16”/turn, top speed 48”/round [4 CP]
Flight: Acceleration 20”/turn, top speed 288”/round (16) [16 CP]
Regeneration: 1 Hit Point per round of rest (8) [8 CP]
Leadership: (COOL/G), +2 levels, d10 effect (5) [5 CP]
Shield: (DEFT/G), +0 levels, d10 effect
Tactics: (INTL/S), Interstellar Space, +2 levels, d8 effect (5) [5 CP]
Weapon: (DEFT/G), Disintegration and Power Blast, +1 level, d12 effect (2) (+3) [3 CP]
Low Self-Control: Arrogant and ruthless; no compunction about killing (Uncommon, Character Hook)
Nemesis: Hunted or opposed by various factions on this backwater planet Earth, as well as worthy opponents back in Civilization (As powerful, Rare)
Personal Problem: Works for Dr Armageddon (Rare)
Villains and Vigilantes
Identity: Zorbac Ar TorresterSide: Destroyers
Sex: Male
Experience: 15,699
Level: 5
Age: 104
Training: end.
- Flight: 176 miles per hour or 774" per turn, plus Hyper-flight.
- Power Blast: Range 14". Damage 1d20. Power cost 1 per attack.
- Heightened Agility: +18
- Speed Bonus: +86" per turn to ground movement.
- Force Field: Defensive screen and force bubble use only.
- Regeneration
- Disintegration Ray: Range 16". Damage 1d20. Power cost 2 per shot.
Basic Hits: 5
Agility Mod.: -
Strength: 16
Endurance: 11
Agility: 32
Intelligence: 13
Charisma: 17
Reactions from: Good:-2 Evil:+2
Hit Mod. (1.4) ( 1 ) ( 3 . 1 ) ( 1 . 1 ) = 4.774
Hit Points (24)
Damage Mod.: +4
Heal.Rate: 1.25 per day or turn
Accuracy: +5
Power (72)
Carrying Capacity: 572
Basic Hth. Damage: 1d8
Movement Rates: 145"/774" flying
Det. Hidden: 10%
Det. Danger: 14%
Inventing Points: 6.5
Inventing (39%)

Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.Villains and Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Unofficial Living Legends Companion written by Patric L. Rogers, Copyright © 2010-2017 by Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. (Note: For compatibility reasons, and because Jeff Dee asked me to, I used only the core Living Legends rules on this character, and not any of the optional rules I developed in the Companion, e.g. skill cost saving rules. I did the original LL hack back in 2011.)
Death Duel with the Destroyers written by Bill Willingham, published by Fantasy Games Unlimited.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Converting Mighty Protectors to Marvel Superheroes Advanced Set and vice versa
Converting Mighty Protectors to Marvel Superheroes Advanced Set and vice versa.
(see also FASERIP, and scroll down to the "linked systems" section)
MSH has power ranks that are neither linear, nor geometric, in progression, but do a good job of capturing the flavor of the source material.
MP has geometric progression, where essentially every 2.5 CP doubles the qualitative value, even while adding only +1 to the effect.
Now, this applied across the board. So, someone with IN 15 is twice as smart as someone with IN 12 and four times as smart as IN 9.
The translation between games gets a bit weirder when you realize in MSH +1 Column Shift increases success by +5%, and MP success increases +5% with either 2.5 CP or +6 to a BC. (Unless it's Knowledge, where +15% to a Specialization is 2.5 CP, and +15% to a Skill Background is 5 CP…)
(Image poached from Brian Adam's MP Writeups Blog)
Anyway, let's just use the BC Table to make it all work
MSH Rank
Strength Range
MP BC Range
MSH Examples
7 or less
| ||
Hulk’s Agility
| |
| ||
300 to 600 lbs
Talented Athlete
600 to 1200 lbs
Thor’s Agility, Dodgeball Champion, Tough Mudder Endurance Champion
1200 lbs to 2 tons
Captain America’s Endurance
3 tons to 20 tons
Olympic Gymnast, Captain America’s Agility
21 tons to 60 tons
Spiderman’s Agility
61 to 100 tons
Hulk’s Endurance
100 tons to 200 tons
Thor’s Endurance
200 tons to 400 tons
| |
400 tons to 800 tons
| |
800 tons +
Strictly speaking, I exaggerated the Unearthly and higher range, because otherwise the geometric progression of MP literally collapses it to “ST +1,” instead of a range.
Another quirk of MP is that while the qualitative value doubles, the quantitative value, that is the effective die roll, only increases by 1.
This means you get a weird effect, such as we all know the Hulk can smash thru battleship armor without breaking a sweat (after all, the Hulk’s Strength is Unearthly, while Super-Heavy Battleship Artillery, which can destroy a battleship, is “merely” Amazing), but in MP this equates to approximately +3 damage, which given that common, everyday steel has an SR of 11, means that in MP the Hulk isn’t guaranteed to breach a bank vault door, let alone destroy a battleship with one punch.
You can see where Brian Adams ran afoul of this by looking at his various MP adaptations of Marvel characters. Brian made the reasonable design decision to give characters like the Hulk and Iron Man enough raw power that they can reliably destroy most targets (in MSH, Iron Man’s Repulsors exceed Super-Heavy Artillery in damage potential, and still don't match the Hulk’s Strength without overload mode), but this also means that effectively, in MP, Iron Man’s Repulsors have the “in world” equivalent power of the Death Star for power output (given geometric progression).
MP is not unique to this problem. It certainly goes back to the early days of gaming, where VnV 2e had the same geometric progression, but the dice scaled differently. In VnV 2e, it felt a little less weird where Behemoth did 6d10 damage, and Mountain Man - 8× stronger than Behemoth - did 9d10, or effectively +16 damage. I mean, yeah, of course 8× stronger is +16 damage!
Jump to MP, and 8× stronger is +3 damage. Erk.
(Hero System, at least thru 5e, when I stopped playing, had its similar problem where ×2 in-game power resulted in +1d6 Stun, +1 Body, which doesn't feel like ×2, either.)
(model Spiff Zaya)
Basically, just don't think about it too hard :)
Now, tangentially, MP does have a mechanic to help retain the feel of both “reasonable power,” AND “reliable damage,” i.e. Heightened Attack (and its cousins Natural Weaponry and Weakness Detection).
For my build of the Hulk, I would do something like this:
- Strength 42
- Natural Weaponry Attack +4, Damage +10
This gives him an average damage of 23 points, which is a 16-foot deep hole in an “average” steel wall, with one punch.
So, there you go. Some notes on converting from Mighty Protectors to Marvel Superheroes and back again.
(model unknown)
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
MP - Water Walking
This is one of those "just thinking out loud" kind of blog posts, and sharing to see what you think. My daughter is 5, so I've seen a lot of episodes of PJ Masks lately. One of Gecko's powers is "Super Lizard Water Running."
The ability to run, walk, or stand on water gets modeled in lots of different ways. Some games, like Champions, modeled it as a modifier to Flight, while others, like Mutants and Masterminds, as a modifier to Super Speed. And GURPS, which pretty much has a power for everything, just has a power for walking on water.
Might Protectors buries "Water Walking" under the Speed ability, as a modifier.
This creates a bit of an odd duck, where for 2.5 CP a character can buy:
Speed: Acceleration 16, Top Speed 16 (-5), Modifiers: Fast Acceleration (×2) (5), Water Running (+2.5)
Final Cost: 2.5 CP
Now this is an "odd duck" for a couple of reasons. First, it doesn't always make sense to modify a character's top speed, especially since highly agile (like the basilisk lizard) or strong characters (like Gecko), might normally be able to move faster than 16.
Second, it's a toss-up if it's implied the character has to keep moving the whole time, or implied that "Water Running" also includes "Water Standing."
I think the solution is a side-step called "Physical Ability: Water Walking."
Physical Ability (Water Walking): The character can move across the surface of water, as if it were dry land. This includes the ability to stand, walk or run. The character can voluntarily sink at any time. Cost (2.5 CP)
This is essentially identical to the Speed Ability Modifier.
I considered a more fine-grained split, like "can move across water as long as doesn't stop moving" for (+2.5 CP) and "can stand on water" for (+2.5 CP). I don't think this is inconsistent with Mighty Protectors, overall.
However, the precedent of "multi-medium movement mode" has been established under both Flight and Speed, where the power can also be used underwater for (+5 CP). With the two Modifiers under Speed, the precedent already written, making "can stand on water" cost extra is both overkill and excessive hair-splitting.
For a character like Gecko, modeled after lizards, such as the water-running "Jesus lizard," the player and GM can decide as a SFX that he has to keep moving and can't stand still, but there isn't any CP benefit to it.
Similarly, I have a gadgeteer, written up in Heroes Unlimited (of all things) (Mighty Protectors hack in development), who made boots that allow her to stand and walk slowly on water, but running results in her breaking the fragile water tension, and sinking.
Following that same precedent, however, I'm choosing to interpret "Speed usable for running on land and swimming in water" does not automatically confer water walking. The ability to move ones limbs quickly enough to produce rapid swimming speed isn't the same as being able to walk on water.
So, what do you think?
The ability to run, walk, or stand on water gets modeled in lots of different ways. Some games, like Champions, modeled it as a modifier to Flight, while others, like Mutants and Masterminds, as a modifier to Super Speed. And GURPS, which pretty much has a power for everything, just has a power for walking on water.
Might Protectors buries "Water Walking" under the Speed ability, as a modifier.
This creates a bit of an odd duck, where for 2.5 CP a character can buy:
Speed: Acceleration 16, Top Speed 16 (-5), Modifiers: Fast Acceleration (×2) (5), Water Running (+2.5)
Final Cost: 2.5 CP
Now this is an "odd duck" for a couple of reasons. First, it doesn't always make sense to modify a character's top speed, especially since highly agile (like the basilisk lizard) or strong characters (like Gecko), might normally be able to move faster than 16.
Second, it's a toss-up if it's implied the character has to keep moving the whole time, or implied that "Water Running" also includes "Water Standing."
I think the solution is a side-step called "Physical Ability: Water Walking."
Physical Ability (Water Walking): The character can move across the surface of water, as if it were dry land. This includes the ability to stand, walk or run. The character can voluntarily sink at any time. Cost (2.5 CP)
This is essentially identical to the Speed Ability Modifier.
I considered a more fine-grained split, like "can move across water as long as doesn't stop moving" for (+2.5 CP) and "can stand on water" for (+2.5 CP). I don't think this is inconsistent with Mighty Protectors, overall.
However, the precedent of "multi-medium movement mode" has been established under both Flight and Speed, where the power can also be used underwater for (+5 CP). With the two Modifiers under Speed, the precedent already written, making "can stand on water" cost extra is both overkill and excessive hair-splitting.
For a character like Gecko, modeled after lizards, such as the water-running "Jesus lizard," the player and GM can decide as a SFX that he has to keep moving and can't stand still, but there isn't any CP benefit to it.
Similarly, I have a gadgeteer, written up in Heroes Unlimited (of all things) (Mighty Protectors hack in development), who made boots that allow her to stand and walk slowly on water, but running results in her breaking the fragile water tension, and sinking.
Following that same precedent, however, I'm choosing to interpret "Speed usable for running on land and swimming in water" does not automatically confer water walking. The ability to move ones limbs quickly enough to produce rapid swimming speed isn't the same as being able to walk on water.
So, what do you think?
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
MP - Super-Jumping Girl
My daughter had an in-class assignment to “draw a superhero.” Most girls drew Wonder Woman. Kaelyn made up her own - Super Jumping Girl. I thought this was so cool, I wanted to write-up a character based on that idea. Kaelyn loves jumping, and bouncing, and literally bounces off the walls and furniture any day she isn’t sick. The bounce house in the mall is her absolute favorite place, ever.
Note that this character’s Gravity Control let's her reduce her weight to 1 pound. Thus, her effective leaping distance becomes truly insane (122,880 inches, or 614,400 feet, or 116.36 miles). Her Flight allows her to control direction and even land prematurely. She can even reduce the weight of others and take them along on her super jumps.
A 116 mile distance means a launch angle of 45 degrees, meaning an apogee of 58 miles, which is technically outer space. She literally jumps into space. Once I realized this, I went back and added on Adaptation, figuring any body capable of leaping into the mesosphere would be adapted for it. Note the temperatures in the mesosphere can actually be hundreds of degrees warmer than surface temperature, rather than the colder we tend to think of.
Her full-weight jumps are a significantly more modest - but still very impressive 1 mile.
Note also that in MP, every +3 increase in Strength doubles her leaping distance and concurrently the height. Add about +10 Strength and she can leap into orbit, or possibly gently land on a satellite (Flight) and repair it.
Now, having said all that, think about the horizon. In a nutshell, she can leap a lot farther than she can see (memo to self: she needs Telescopic Sight), made worse by the curvature of the Earth dropping the landing point beyond the horizon, where she can’t see it. She would benefit from a leap straight up to get a feel for what might possibly be a hundred miles away, before leaping in that direction. Again, thankfully she has the ability to make “inflight adjustments” to avoid hitting buildings, mountains, lakes, whatever. She can leap approximately 29 miles straight up, after negating gravity.
Her Flight is useful to steering and slowing rate of descent, and standing on flimsy tree branches, etc. It is intentionally absurdly slow (5 MPH with a Push), specifically because it isn't flight. It's all about the fine control while in-flight, and the SFX of being able to “jump up walls,” and “land gently on tree branches,” and all that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stuff.
Background and Origin: She is in her mid-20s. She loved bouncing and jumping from a young age. She was a track star on high school, with her exceptional (though not abnormal) jumping and tumbling skills. It looked like she might get a college scholarship, until her high school coach pulled her aside and laid out why he thought she was a mutant and suggested she “quietly retire before scandal can happen.”
Inspired by the idea she could, in fact, Super Jump, that summer she set out to test her abilities - and really erupted.
Her backgrounds are sports and science.
Combat Tactics: Her thing is to razzle-dazzle opponents by jumping and bouncing all over the place. She fights defensively the first few rounds, laying down suppressing fire with her auto-blaster. If she has a chance, she uses a multi-action to pounce on a target, grab him, negate his gravity and then jump away with the target. She can let go in mid-flight, and the target continues on the original trajectory, while she alters her course.
Personality Traits: naive, adventurous, helpful,
Appearance: 5’4”, 134 lbs.
Powers: She appears to have some kind of psychokinesis ability related specifically to jumping and tumbling. She has an enhanced physiology, and is an accomplished athlete with near-peak human physical and mental faculties.
She acquired some high tech gadgets from a friend, and knows enough science and electronics to have modified them slightly.
Notes: Model Miss Mandy. Character by P. Rogers, March, 2018.
Document Copyright (C) 2018 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.
Endurance 18 (Save 12, Heal 2.8)
Agility 18 (Save 12)
Intelligence 18 (Save 12)
Cool 18 (Save 12, Initiative d8+1)
Hit Points 22
Power 72
Physical Defense 3
Mental Defense 3
Move 18, leap 1024 (see also above)
Inventing Points 10
Wealth d4
Luck 10-
Weight 134 lbs.
Total Cost 90 + 100 - 20 = 170
Experience Levels: Attack +0, Defense +1, Skills +1 (5 CP)
Inventing: Add +1 Inventing Points (1 CP)
Knowledge: Language (TBD, Fluent, Literate) (4 CP)
Super-Jumping Girl
Adaptation: Asphyxiation, High Temperatures, Low Pressure, Radiation (20 CP)
Armored Costume - Adaptation: Electromagnetics, Low Temperatures, Armor: Kinetic 1, Energy 2, Biochemical 1, Entropy 2, Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (15 CP)
Blast Auto-Pistol - Special Weapon: Damage d10+1 Energy, Range (AG×2”), Charges [24ch], Autofire-2 (20 CP)
Gear Pool/Inventions/Power Stunts
Super Binoculars - Heightened Senses: Telescopic Sight +10 vs range penalties, ×1024 distance (12.5), Modifiers: Gear (-5), Extra Time (-2.5) (5 iCP)
Blaster Booster - Heightened Attack: Damage +2 with Blast Auto-Pistol (5), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5); Heightened Expertise: Attack +2 with Blast Auto-Pistol (5), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (5 iCP)
TBD (-20 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d8+1 (avg 5.5)
Unarmed: Attack 15-, Damage d8+1 (avg 5.5)
Blast Pistol: Attack 17-, Damage d10+3 (avg 8.5)
Random backstory generator - http://www.pbegames.com/lifepath/ .
Random name generator - http://www.behindthename.com/random/ .
Random job generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-job-generator.php .
Random personality trait generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-character-traits-generator.php .
Random height/weight generator - http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/hwcalc.html .
(see also http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm )
Dressing BCs for the Party - https://patricrogers.blogspot.com/2017/09/mp-dressing-bcs-for-party.html
Note that this character’s Gravity Control let's her reduce her weight to 1 pound. Thus, her effective leaping distance becomes truly insane (122,880 inches, or 614,400 feet, or 116.36 miles). Her Flight allows her to control direction and even land prematurely. She can even reduce the weight of others and take them along on her super jumps.
A 116 mile distance means a launch angle of 45 degrees, meaning an apogee of 58 miles, which is technically outer space. She literally jumps into space. Once I realized this, I went back and added on Adaptation, figuring any body capable of leaping into the mesosphere would be adapted for it. Note the temperatures in the mesosphere can actually be hundreds of degrees warmer than surface temperature, rather than the colder we tend to think of.
Her full-weight jumps are a significantly more modest - but still very impressive 1 mile.
Note also that in MP, every +3 increase in Strength doubles her leaping distance and concurrently the height. Add about +10 Strength and she can leap into orbit, or possibly gently land on a satellite (Flight) and repair it.
Now, having said all that, think about the horizon. In a nutshell, she can leap a lot farther than she can see (memo to self: she needs Telescopic Sight), made worse by the curvature of the Earth dropping the landing point beyond the horizon, where she can’t see it. She would benefit from a leap straight up to get a feel for what might possibly be a hundred miles away, before leaping in that direction. Again, thankfully she has the ability to make “inflight adjustments” to avoid hitting buildings, mountains, lakes, whatever. She can leap approximately 29 miles straight up, after negating gravity.
Her Flight is useful to steering and slowing rate of descent, and standing on flimsy tree branches, etc. It is intentionally absurdly slow (5 MPH with a Push), specifically because it isn't flight. It's all about the fine control while in-flight, and the SFX of being able to “jump up walls,” and “land gently on tree branches,” and all that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stuff.
Porcia AlastrÃona Santana, aka Super-Jumping Girl
Background and Origin: She is in her mid-20s. She loved bouncing and jumping from a young age. She was a track star on high school, with her exceptional (though not abnormal) jumping and tumbling skills. It looked like she might get a college scholarship, until her high school coach pulled her aside and laid out why he thought she was a mutant and suggested she “quietly retire before scandal can happen.”
Inspired by the idea she could, in fact, Super Jump, that summer she set out to test her abilities - and really erupted.
Her backgrounds are sports and science.
Combat Tactics: Her thing is to razzle-dazzle opponents by jumping and bouncing all over the place. She fights defensively the first few rounds, laying down suppressing fire with her auto-blaster. If she has a chance, she uses a multi-action to pounce on a target, grab him, negate his gravity and then jump away with the target. She can let go in mid-flight, and the target continues on the original trajectory, while she alters her course.
Personality Traits: naive, adventurous, helpful,
Appearance: 5’4”, 134 lbs.
Powers: She appears to have some kind of psychokinesis ability related specifically to jumping and tumbling. She has an enhanced physiology, and is an accomplished athlete with near-peak human physical and mental faculties.
She acquired some high tech gadgets from a friend, and knows enough science and electronics to have modified them slightly.
Notes: Model Miss Mandy. Character by P. Rogers, March, 2018.
Document Copyright (C) 2018 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.
Porcia AlastrÃona Santana - Mighty Protectors
Strength 18 (Carrying Capacity 480 lbs., Basic HTH d8+1)Endurance 18 (Save 12, Heal 2.8)
Agility 18 (Save 12)
Intelligence 18 (Save 12)
Cool 18 (Save 12, Initiative d8+1)
Hit Points 22
Power 72
Physical Defense 3
Mental Defense 3
Move 18, leap 1024 (see also above)
Inventing Points 10
Wealth d4
Luck 10-
Weight 134 lbs.
Total Cost 90 + 100 - 20 = 170
Experience Levels: Attack +0, Defense +1, Skills +1 (5 CP)
Inventing: Add +1 Inventing Points (1 CP)
Knowledge: Language (TBD, Fluent, Literate) (4 CP)
Super-Jumping Girl
Adaptation: Asphyxiation, High Temperatures, Low Pressure, Radiation (20 CP)
Hang Time - Flight: Acceleration 8, Top Speed 8 (-5), Modifiers: Fast Acceleration 4 (+10) (5 CP)
Gravity Decrease: Effect d8+1, Duration 5 minutes, PR=2 (15), Modifiers: Weight Reduction Only (cannot reduce to zero) (-10), Reduced Range (Touch/Melee) (-10), Increased Duration (+10) (5 CP)
Physical Ability: Super Leap ×256 (20 CP)
Armored Costume - Adaptation: Electromagnetics, Low Temperatures, Armor: Kinetic 1, Energy 2, Biochemical 1, Entropy 2, Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (15 CP)
Blast Auto-Pistol - Special Weapon: Damage d10+1 Energy, Range (AG×2”), Charges [24ch], Autofire-2 (20 CP)
Gear Pool/Inventions/Power Stunts
Super Binoculars - Heightened Senses: Telescopic Sight +10 vs range penalties, ×1024 distance (12.5), Modifiers: Gear (-5), Extra Time (-2.5) (5 iCP)
Blaster Booster - Heightened Attack: Damage +2 with Blast Auto-Pistol (5), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5); Heightened Expertise: Attack +2 with Blast Auto-Pistol (5), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (5 iCP)
TBD (-20 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d8+1 (avg 5.5)
Unarmed: Attack 15-, Damage d8+1 (avg 5.5)
Blast Pistol: Attack 17-, Damage d10+3 (avg 8.5)
Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.Random backstory generator - http://www.pbegames.com/lifepath/ .
Random name generator - http://www.behindthename.com/random/ .
Random job generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-job-generator.php .
Random personality trait generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-character-traits-generator.php .
Random height/weight generator - http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/hwcalc.html .
(see also http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm )
Dressing BCs for the Party - https://patricrogers.blogspot.com/2017/09/mp-dressing-bcs-for-party.html
Friday, March 9, 2018
MP - Converting Magnetic Powers to Mighty Protectors
As ive said before, MP does a great job capturing the feel of VnV powers, often while extending and clarifying them. Light Control and Sonic Abilities are two great examples.
In many cases, the translation loses a bit, even while improving some core aspects, and Magnetic Powers is one of these.
In VnV, Magnetic Powers has three core components: a direct-damage magnetic blast, magnetic manipulation of ferrous metal objects, and a protective deflection barrier (or "force field").
MP's Magnetism Ability does a fantastic job capturing the essence of the first two, while streaming and clarifying both. I love that it explicitly defines control of two objects, or one object and a direct-damage attack, with an easy modifier to increase the number kd objects available. The loss of "duration" is easily offset by the reduced PR, which also elomates a sometimes-frustrating variable ("So, Magnetic Man can control objects twice as long as me, for the same PR, because he has Heightened Strength? What a bogus combo!")
Reduced PR is easily the most wonderful and readily abused Modifier in the game. Reduced PR on Magnetism? Boo-yah, who needs "duration" anymore!
If the Magnetism Ability has one flaw in the translation from Magnetic Powers, I think it is in the defensive power.
Magnetism quite reasonably says to apply the Personal Force Field only against ferrous metals. However, anyone who has studied physics knows powerful magnetic fields can do more than this, such as protect the Earth from "cosmic radiation" (which is ionic particles, meaning they have a charge that can be affected by a magnetic field).
Also, while this limitation is consistent with common sense, it is not consistent with either the comic book sources, nor the VnV roots (where Magnetic Powers worked against a variety of other attacks).
I think VnV Magnetic Powers defense is better represented by something like this:
- Magnetic Force Shield - Personal Force Field: Protection 22 total, Kinetic 5, Energy 7, Biochemical 4, Entropy 6 (17.5), PR=8 to activate, Modifiers: Reduced PR (+5) (22.5 CP)
And I have done so in this example. In VnV, most of the attack powers map to an Energy or Entropy attack, and Magnetic Powers is very effective against those. This is consistent with the comic books.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
MP - TMBCv4 - Feint - Supercriminal Smuggler
Background and Origin: Before gaining his powers, Feint lived and worked aboard a cargo ship moving produce and livestock from other nations to his native South Africa. He helped smuggle things on the side; it's amazing what you can hide in a big ship full of smelly animals.
He gained his powers from an Atlantean artifact that leaked.
Combat Tactics: The speed is used mostly in bursts, for quick surprises and combat advantage; he does not consider it one of his major powers.
Personality Traits: He prefers subtlety and subterfuge. He fancies himself a deep planner, but unless he has a strong leader to channel his energy, his own plans are often mundane and uninspired.
Appearance: 5'7", 140 lbs., blue eyes, black hair.
Powers: He can generate bursts of plasma for offensive and defensive purposes. He has exceptional reaction time and can run at approximately 45 MPH.
Notes: Artist unknown. Character by P. Rogers, January, 1999.
Feint originally appeared in They Might Be Characters Volume 4: Nothing But Villains.
Endurance 12 (Save 11, Heal 1.6)
Agility 14 (Save 11)
Intelligence 17 (Save 11)
Cool 16 (Save 11, Initiative d6+1)
Hit Points 10
Power 56
Physical Defense 1
Mental Defense 1
Move 16/64 (128)
Inventing Points 9
Wealth d6
Luck 10-
Weight 140 lbs.
Total Cost 72 + 88 -20 = 140
Heightened Attack: Damage +1 with all attacks, Damage +2 (total) with Power Blast (5 CP)
Heightened Expertise: Attack +2 with Power Blast (5 CP)
Heightened Initiative: Init +2 (5 CP)
Blue Plasma Bolt - Power Blast: Damage 2d10, Range 13”, PR=1 per use (20 CP)
Regeneration: Heal 1 hit point per 3 minutes of rest (10), Modifiers: Cannot Heal Pure Energy Damage Subtype (-2.5) (7.5 CP)
Reflexively Shoot Down Attacks - Shield: Add +4 to Physical Defense, Breakpoint +5 (7.5), Modifiers: Innate (+2.5), Requires a Save (CL @ +6) (-5) (5 CP)
Speed: Acceleration 16 per turn, Top Speed 64 (21 MPH) per round [128 (44 MPH) with Super Speed] (5 CP)
Super Speed: Add one turn per round, PR=2 per round (10 CP)
Wealth: d6 Wealth roll (2.5 CP)
Afrikaans (native, literate) (0)
English (accented, literate) (3 CP)
Armored Costume -
* Adaptation: High Temperatures, Low Temperatures (10), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (7.5 CP)
* Armor: Kinetic 4, Energy 2, Biochemical 1, Entropy 2 15), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (12.5 CP)
Diminished Senses: Near-Sighted (-2.5)
Nemesis: Wanted by international law enforcement for smuggling crimes (Rare, More Powerful) (-12.5 CP)
Uneducated: Only one skill (Transportation/Smuggling) (-5 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d6+3/d6+3 (avg 13/6.5)
Unarmed: Attack 14-, Damage d6+1 (avg 4.5)
Blue Plasma Bolt: Attack 16-, Damage 2d10+2 (avg 13)
Endurance 12 (Heal 1.2)
Intelligence 17 (Detect Hidden 12%, Detect Danger 16%, Damage +1)
Agility 14 (Accuracy +1, Damage +1)
Charisma 16 (Reaction +/-0)
Level 4
Hit Points 8
Power 57
Move 190” ground
Hit Modifier 2.6208
Weight 140 lbs.
Basic Hits 3
Inventing Points 6.8
Heightened Speed: +150" ground move, +6 initiative.
Power Blast: Blue bolts of plasma-like energy from his hands. 13", 1d20, PR = 1, one action per turn to set up defense.
Regeneration: He cannot regenerate plasma/power blast damage
Training: +1 “to hit” with unarmed HTH.
He gained his powers from an Atlantean artifact that leaked.
Combat Tactics: The speed is used mostly in bursts, for quick surprises and combat advantage; he does not consider it one of his major powers.
Personality Traits: He prefers subtlety and subterfuge. He fancies himself a deep planner, but unless he has a strong leader to channel his energy, his own plans are often mundane and uninspired.
Appearance: 5'7", 140 lbs., blue eyes, black hair.
Powers: He can generate bursts of plasma for offensive and defensive purposes. He has exceptional reaction time and can run at approximately 45 MPH.
Notes: Artist unknown. Character by P. Rogers, January, 1999.
Feint originally appeared in They Might Be Characters Volume 4: Nothing But Villains.
Feint - Mighty Protectors
Strength 13 (Carrying Capacity 156 lbs., Basic HTH d6)Endurance 12 (Save 11, Heal 1.6)
Agility 14 (Save 11)
Intelligence 17 (Save 11)
Cool 16 (Save 11, Initiative d6+1)
Hit Points 10
Power 56
Physical Defense 1
Mental Defense 1
Move 16/64 (128)
Inventing Points 9
Wealth d6
Luck 10-
Weight 140 lbs.
Total Cost 72 + 88 -20 = 140
Heightened Attack: Damage +1 with all attacks, Damage +2 (total) with Power Blast (5 CP)
Heightened Expertise: Attack +2 with Power Blast (5 CP)
Heightened Initiative: Init +2 (5 CP)
Blue Plasma Bolt - Power Blast: Damage 2d10, Range 13”, PR=1 per use (20 CP)
Regeneration: Heal 1 hit point per 3 minutes of rest (10), Modifiers: Cannot Heal Pure Energy Damage Subtype (-2.5) (7.5 CP)
Reflexively Shoot Down Attacks - Shield: Add +4 to Physical Defense, Breakpoint +5 (7.5), Modifiers: Innate (+2.5), Requires a Save (CL @ +6) (-5) (5 CP)
Speed: Acceleration 16 per turn, Top Speed 64 (21 MPH) per round [128 (44 MPH) with Super Speed] (5 CP)
Super Speed: Add one turn per round, PR=2 per round (10 CP)
Wealth: d6 Wealth roll (2.5 CP)
Afrikaans (native, literate) (0)
English (accented, literate) (3 CP)
Armored Costume -
* Adaptation: High Temperatures, Low Temperatures (10), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (7.5 CP)
* Armor: Kinetic 4, Energy 2, Biochemical 1, Entropy 2 15), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (12.5 CP)
Diminished Senses: Near-Sighted (-2.5)
Nemesis: Wanted by international law enforcement for smuggling crimes (Rare, More Powerful) (-12.5 CP)
Uneducated: Only one skill (Transportation/Smuggling) (-5 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d6+3/d6+3 (avg 13/6.5)
Unarmed: Attack 14-, Damage d6+1 (avg 4.5)
Blue Plasma Bolt: Attack 16-, Damage 2d10+2 (avg 13)
Feint - Villains and Vigilantes
Strength 14 (Carrying Capacity 276 lbs., Basic HTH 1d6)Endurance 12 (Heal 1.2)
Intelligence 17 (Detect Hidden 12%, Detect Danger 16%, Damage +1)
Agility 14 (Accuracy +1, Damage +1)
Charisma 16 (Reaction +/-0)
Level 4
Hit Points 8
Power 57
Move 190” ground
Hit Modifier 2.6208
Weight 140 lbs.
Basic Hits 3
Inventing Points 6.8
Heightened Speed: +150" ground move, +6 initiative.
Power Blast: Blue bolts of plasma-like energy from his hands. 13", 1d20, PR = 1, one action per turn to set up defense.
Regeneration: He cannot regenerate plasma/power blast damage
Training: +1 “to hit” with unarmed HTH.
Initiative: 1d10+20 (avg 25.5/10.5)
Unarmed: HTH +2 “to hit,” 1d6+2 damage (avg 5.5)
Blue Plasma Bolt: Power Blast +1 “to hit,” 1d20+2 damage (avg 12.5)
REFL 16/d8
DEFT 11/d6
INTL 11/d6 (PERC 16/d8)
COOL 11/d6
VITL 11/d6
Mass 64 Kgs (d4 Mass effect)
Fame 4
Heightened Speed: +1 level, two turns per round (17) [17 CP]
Power Blast: 2d8-1 Energy [pure energy] (37), Reduced Range [6”] (-1) [32 CP]
Regeneration: 1 hit per round of rest (8) [8 CP]
Shield: 6 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (7), Innate (+3) [10 CP]
Speed Bonus: Ground move x5.33 (7), top speed and acceleration (+3) [10 CP]
Diminished Senses: Nearsighted (-5)
Nemesis: Wanted by international law enforcement for smuggling crimes (Rare, More Powerful) (-x CP)
Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Villains and Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Unofficial Living Legends Companion written by Patric L. Rogers, Copyright © 2010-2017 by Monkey House Games. All rights reserved.
Random backstory generator - http://www.pbegames.com/lifepath/ .
Unarmed: HTH +2 “to hit,” 1d6+2 damage (avg 5.5)
Blue Plasma Bolt: Power Blast +1 “to hit,” 1d20+2 damage (avg 12.5)
Feint - Living Legends
PHYS 12/d6REFL 16/d8
DEFT 11/d6
INTL 11/d6 (PERC 16/d8)
COOL 11/d6
VITL 11/d6
Mass 64 Kgs (d4 Mass effect)
Fame 4
Heightened Speed: +1 level, two turns per round (17) [17 CP]
Power Blast: 2d8-1 Energy [pure energy] (37), Reduced Range [6”] (-1) [32 CP]
Regeneration: 1 hit per round of rest (8) [8 CP]
Shield: 6 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (7), Innate (+3) [10 CP]
Speed Bonus: Ground move x5.33 (7), top speed and acceleration (+3) [10 CP]
Diminished Senses: Nearsighted (-5)
Nemesis: Wanted by international law enforcement for smuggling crimes (Rare, More Powerful) (-x CP)
Document Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2017, 2018 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Villains and Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Unofficial Living Legends Companion written by Patric L. Rogers, Copyright © 2010-2017 by Monkey House Games. All rights reserved.
Random backstory generator - http://www.pbegames.com/lifepath/ .
Random name generator - http://www.behindthename.com/random/ .
Random job generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-job-generator.php .
Random personality trait generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-character-traits-generator.php .
Random height/weight generator - http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/hwcalc.html .
Random job generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-job-generator.php .
Random personality trait generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-character-traits-generator.php .
Random height/weight generator - http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/hwcalc.html .
Monday, March 5, 2018
MP - TMBCv1 - Captain Dalia Tsila Slavik - a.k.a. Magna Lass, a.k.a. Power Girl
Background and Origin: Dalia Tsila Slavik, a.k.a. Power Girl, was a Captain in the US Army and gained her powers after volunteering for Army experiments to create a superhuman. She retains her rank, but has been assigned to a hero team based in California.
She was born and raised in Minnesota. She was raised by your birth parents, who inherited a great deal of wealth from oil and finance. Some of them met with misfortune, a cruel mental illness or a stressful situation that caused a complete breakdown.
She has the following siblings:
She was born and raised in Minnesota. She was raised by your birth parents, who inherited a great deal of wealth from oil and finance. Some of them met with misfortune, a cruel mental illness or a stressful situation that caused a complete breakdown.
She has the following siblings:
- An older brother that is dead, killed in an accident;
- An older sister that she dislikes because of some past transgression;
- A twin brother that she has lost touch with;
- An older sister that she still keeps in touch with, but they’re not particularly close.
She has experienced the following important events:
Personality Traits: She has a good tactical sense, and is a good organizer, but has a shy personality. She has the potential to be the team leader, but for now is only the deputy leader.
Appearance: She favors conservative garb suitable for the region she is from. She has short hair. She wear a singular piece of jewelry that is one of a kind.
Powers: She can manipulate magnetic fields and generate charged particles. She can manipulate about 1 ton of ferrous metal, generate a protective energy field, and project streams of charged particles. She can sense magnetic fields, and thus when they are disturbed by objects passing through them.
Notes: Model unknown. Character by P. Rogers, January, 1999.
Magna Lass originally appeared in They Might Be Characters Vol. 1 as “Power Girl.” Yeah, okay, obviously that name was inspired by the artwork (which was actually a different photomanip of DC’s Power Girl, back in 2000, but this is better artwork, so there you go).
Endurance 13 (Save 11, Heal 1.6)
Agility 10 (Save 10)
Intelligence 12 (Save 11)
Cool 10 (Save 10, Initiative d4)
Hit Points 8
Power 47
Physical Defense 1
Mental Defense 2
Move 12
Inventing Points 6
Wealth d6
Luck 10-
Weight 150 lbs.
Total Cost 57 + 100 - 15 = 142
Experience Levels: Attack +1, Defense +1, Skills +1 (10 CP)
Magnetic Levitation - Flight: Acceleration 12, Top Speed 96 (33 MPH), PR=1 per hour, Modifiers: Fast Acceleration (15 CP)
- She was involved in several casual relationships, each lasting a month or more, but none become serious;
- She made an enemy, a clan, gang or other small group. There's lots of yelling when they're around each other. They are part of a tribe or other small group and can call on other members in need. The falling out was caused by a loss of status or face;
- She made a friend, a surrogate parent who offers advice, perhaps too much advice. They are a somewhat important local figure;
- A fire, earthquake, or other natural disaster swept her home region, forcing her to find a home elsewhere;
- She made an enemy, a beast or creature. It is part of a tribe or other small group and can call on other members in need. It completely ignores you. She caused the failure of some scheme or plot by the creature;
- A holy man visited her home region, and she spent several months as a disciple, bolstering her faith;
- She made an enemy, a family member. She makes them shouty-angry. They are an important figure both locally and beyond the immediate area. The rivalry grew into something stronger;
- She made a friend, a teacher, religious advisor or mentor. They have some close family ties that give them minor clout.
Personality Traits: She has a good tactical sense, and is a good organizer, but has a shy personality. She has the potential to be the team leader, but for now is only the deputy leader.
Appearance: She favors conservative garb suitable for the region she is from. She has short hair. She wear a singular piece of jewelry that is one of a kind.
Powers: She can manipulate magnetic fields and generate charged particles. She can manipulate about 1 ton of ferrous metal, generate a protective energy field, and project streams of charged particles. She can sense magnetic fields, and thus when they are disturbed by objects passing through them.
Notes: Model unknown. Character by P. Rogers, January, 1999.
Magna Lass originally appeared in They Might Be Characters Vol. 1 as “Power Girl.” Yeah, okay, obviously that name was inspired by the artwork (which was actually a different photomanip of DC’s Power Girl, back in 2000, but this is better artwork, so there you go).
Magna Lass - Mighty Protectors
Strength 12 (Carrying Capacity 120 lbs., Basic HTH d6Endurance 13 (Save 11, Heal 1.6)
Agility 10 (Save 10)
Intelligence 12 (Save 11)
Cool 10 (Save 10, Initiative d4)
Hit Points 8
Power 47
Physical Defense 1
Mental Defense 2
Move 12
Inventing Points 6
Wealth d6
Luck 10-
Weight 150 lbs.
Total Cost 57 + 100 - 15 = 142
Experience Levels: Attack +1, Defense +1, Skills +1 (10 CP)
Magnetic Levitation - Flight: Acceleration 12, Top Speed 96 (33 MPH), PR=1 per hour, Modifiers: Fast Acceleration (15 CP)
Heightened Expertise: Attack +3 with Magnetism abilities (10 CP)
Heightened Senses: Magnetism:
Wealth: Wealth roll d6+1 (5 CP)
Bulletproof Costume- Armor: Kinetic 6, Energy 2, Biochemical 2, Entropy 2, Modifiers: Gear (5), Partial Coverage (Light) (-10) (5 CP)
Dark Past: There were issues during her Army career that were conveniently “forgotten” when she volunteered for the experimental procedure. These could result in Bad Reputation or Persecuted if revealed. (-5 CP)
Compulsion: Shy (Rare, Character Hook) (-5 CP)
Responsibilities: Still an active member of the US Army and a member of a vigilante team with contracts to the City of Los Angeles (Uncommon, Major) (-5 CP)
Unarmed: Attack 14-, Damage d6 (avg 3.5)
Magnetism: Attack 17-, Damage 2d6 (avg 7)
Endurance 13 (Heal 0.9)
Intelligence 12 (Detect Hidden 10%, Detect Danger 14%, Damage +0)
Agility 10 (Accuracy +0, Damage +0)
Charisma 10 (Reaction +/-0)
Level 3
Hit Points 6
Power 47
Move 36” ground
Hit Modifier 1.848
Weight 150 lbs.
Basic Hits 3
Inventing Points 1.6
Magnetic Powers (×2): Magnetic control requires one action, PR=2, Range 24”. She can control objects for 12 turns. Her maximum capacity is 1800 lbs. (S×50×Level).
A magnetic blast does up to 1d10 damage, depending on available capacity, and is PR=2, Range 24”;
As a power stunt, she can ride magnetic fields, effectively flying at 36 MPH (ground move inches as MPH), PR=1 per hour.
Power Blast: By focusing her magnetic powers, she can generate a charged particle beam from her hands. Range 12", Damage 1d20, PR=1.
Heightened Senses: Her sensitivity to magnetic fields makes her almost impossible to surprise at close range, and gives her other unusual sensory abilities.
Inventions: Her costume contains a battery that gives her an extra 20 Power points, but she can only use these for Magnetic Powers, including when Magnetic Powers is successfully used for defe
Bulletproof Vest: Modified to be part of her costume. She can Roll with the Blow for twice as much to Power as normal.
Combat Summary
Initiative: d10+10 (avg 15.5)
Unarmed: HTH +0 “to hit,” Damage 1d4 (avg 2.5)
Magnetic Power: +0 “to hit,” Damage 1d10 (avg 5.5)
Particle Beam: Power Blast +0 “to hit,” Damage 1d20 (avg 10.5)
REFL 7/d4
DEFT 7/d4
INTL 7/d4 (PERC 11/d6)
COOL 7/d4 (APP 11/d6
VITL 7/d4
Mass 68 kg (d4 Mass effect)
Fame 13/d6
Skills: 6 @ +2 levels (5) (+7) [13 CP]
Negotiate: (INTL/G), d8 effect
Tactics: (INTL/G), urban, d8 effect
Vehicle: (DEFT/S), helicopter, d6 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), power blast, d8 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), rifles, d8 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), telekinesis, d8 effect
Legal Powers: Military Rank [captain in the US Army] (1), Vigilante License (1) [2 CP]
Magnetic Force Field - Armor Generation: 6 vs. All Physical (17) [17 CP]
Magnetic Levitation - Flight: Acceleration 16”, top speed 48” (13), Miscellaneous Restriction [costs 1 NRG per hour of use] (-2) [10 CP]
Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields - Heightened Sense: New Basic Sense (2), detects magnetism, Range (+3), Global (+5) [6 CP]
Particle Beam - Power Blast: 2d8-1 Energy [particle beam] (37), Reduced Range [6”] (-1) [32 CP]
Particle Beam Counterblast - Shield: 5 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (1), Innate (+3) [1 CP]
Magnetic Manipulation - Telekinesis: 820 kg., d10 Effect (34), Range [12"] (+0), Miscellaneous Restriction [can only move ferrous targets] (-2), Time Limit [bounded duration, 24 rounds] (-3), NRG Cost [1 to activate] (-1), Not on Self (-2) [11 CP]
Dark Past: There were issues during her Army career that were conveniently “forgotten” when she volunteered for the experimental procedure. These could result in Bad Reputation or Persecuted if revealed. [-10 CP]
Quirk: Shy [-5 CP]
Responsibilities: Still an active member of the US Army and a member of a vigilante team with contracts to the City of Los Angeles (Uncommon, Major) [-5 CP]
Villains and Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Unofficial Living Legends Companion written by Patric L. Rogers, Copyright © 2010-2017 by Monkey House Games. All rights reserved.
Random backstory generator - http://www.pbegames.com/lifepath/ .
Random name generator - http://www.behindthename.com/random/ .
Random job generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-job-generator.php .
Random personality trait generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-character-traits-generator.php .
Random height/weight generator - http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/hwcalc.html .
Heightened Senses: Magnetism:
- Magnetic Manipulation: Capacity 1920 lbs., Damage 2d6 Kinetic, Range 24”, Speed 12”, PR=1 per use, Modifiers: Increased Range (12.5 CP);
- Magnetic Force Shield - Personal Force Field: Kinetic 4, Energy 9, Biochemical 3, Entropy 6, PR=8 to activate, Modifiers: Reduced PR (+5) (22.5 CP)
Wealth: Wealth roll d6+1 (5 CP)
Bulletproof Costume- Armor: Kinetic 6, Energy 2, Biochemical 2, Entropy 2, Modifiers: Gear (5), Partial Coverage (Light) (-10) (5 CP)
Dark Past: There were issues during her Army career that were conveniently “forgotten” when she volunteered for the experimental procedure. These could result in Bad Reputation or Persecuted if revealed. (-5 CP)
Compulsion: Shy (Rare, Character Hook) (-5 CP)
Responsibilities: Still an active member of the US Army and a member of a vigilante team with contracts to the City of Los Angeles (Uncommon, Major) (-5 CP)
Combat Summary
Initiative: d4Unarmed: Attack 14-, Damage d6 (avg 3.5)
Magnetism: Attack 17-, Damage 2d6 (avg 7)
Magna Lass - Villains and Vigilantes
Strength 12 (Carrying Capacity 227 lbs., Basic HTH 1d4)Endurance 13 (Heal 0.9)
Intelligence 12 (Detect Hidden 10%, Detect Danger 14%, Damage +0)
Agility 10 (Accuracy +0, Damage +0)
Charisma 10 (Reaction +/-0)
Level 3
Hit Points 6
Power 47
Move 36” ground
Hit Modifier 1.848
Weight 150 lbs.
Basic Hits 3
Inventing Points 1.6
Magnetic Powers (×2): Magnetic control requires one action, PR=2, Range 24”. She can control objects for 12 turns. Her maximum capacity is 1800 lbs. (S×50×Level).
A magnetic blast does up to 1d10 damage, depending on available capacity, and is PR=2, Range 24”;
As a power stunt, she can ride magnetic fields, effectively flying at 36 MPH (ground move inches as MPH), PR=1 per hour.
Power Blast: By focusing her magnetic powers, she can generate a charged particle beam from her hands. Range 12", Damage 1d20, PR=1.
Heightened Senses: Her sensitivity to magnetic fields makes her almost impossible to surprise at close range, and gives her other unusual sensory abilities.
Inventions: Her costume contains a battery that gives her an extra 20 Power points, but she can only use these for Magnetic Powers, including when Magnetic Powers is successfully used for defe
Bulletproof Vest: Modified to be part of her costume. She can Roll with the Blow for twice as much to Power as normal.
Combat Summary
Initiative: d10+10 (avg 15.5)
Unarmed: HTH +0 “to hit,” Damage 1d4 (avg 2.5)
Magnetic Power: +0 “to hit,” Damage 1d10 (avg 5.5)
Particle Beam: Power Blast +0 “to hit,” Damage 1d20 (avg 10.5)
Magna Lass - Living Legends [142 CP]
PHYS 11/d6REFL 7/d4
DEFT 7/d4
INTL 7/d4 (PERC 11/d6)
COOL 7/d4 (APP 11/d6
VITL 7/d4
Mass 68 kg (d4 Mass effect)
Fame 13/d6
Skills: 6 @ +2 levels (5) (+7) [13 CP]
Negotiate: (INTL/G), d8 effect
Tactics: (INTL/G), urban, d8 effect
Vehicle: (DEFT/S), helicopter, d6 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), power blast, d8 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), rifles, d8 effect
Weapon: (DEFT/G), telekinesis, d8 effect
Legal Powers: Military Rank [captain in the US Army] (1), Vigilante License (1) [2 CP]
Magnetic Force Field - Armor Generation: 6 vs. All Physical (17) [17 CP]
Magnetic Levitation - Flight: Acceleration 16”, top speed 48” (13), Miscellaneous Restriction [costs 1 NRG per hour of use] (-2) [10 CP]
Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields - Heightened Sense: New Basic Sense (2), detects magnetism, Range (+3), Global (+5) [6 CP]
Particle Beam - Power Blast: 2d8-1 Energy [particle beam] (37), Reduced Range [6”] (-1) [32 CP]
Particle Beam Counterblast - Shield: 5 vs. Biochemical, Blunt Kinetic, Energy, High Temperature, Low Temperature, and Sharp Kinetic (1), Innate (+3) [1 CP]
Magnetic Manipulation - Telekinesis: 820 kg., d10 Effect (34), Range [12"] (+0), Miscellaneous Restriction [can only move ferrous targets] (-2), Time Limit [bounded duration, 24 rounds] (-3), NRG Cost [1 to activate] (-1), Not on Self (-2) [11 CP]
Dark Past: There were issues during her Army career that were conveniently “forgotten” when she volunteered for the experimental procedure. These could result in Bad Reputation or Persecuted if revealed. [-10 CP]
Quirk: Shy [-5 CP]
Responsibilities: Still an active member of the US Army and a member of a vigilante team with contracts to the City of Los Angeles (Uncommon, Major) [-5 CP]
Document Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2017, 2018 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.Villains and Vigilantes, Living Legends and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2010 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
Unofficial Living Legends Companion written by Patric L. Rogers, Copyright © 2010-2017 by Monkey House Games. All rights reserved.
Random backstory generator - http://www.pbegames.com/lifepath/ .
Random name generator - http://www.behindthename.com/random/ .
Random job generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-job-generator.php .
Random personality trait generator - http://writingexercises.co.uk/random-character-traits-generator.php .
Random height/weight generator - http://tower.newcenturycomputers.net/hwcalc.html .
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
MP - Lion's Roar
Heroes Unlimited, from Palladium Books, has a power called "Animal Abilities - Big Cats." It very much resembles Mighty Protectors' "Animal/Plant Abilities" (which simply makes sense as "bundle of abilities inspired by a kind of animal" is just an obvious opportunity).
One of the features of the HU power is "Can roar like a lion, and be heard 1.5 miles away." A real lion's roar is an incredibly impressive sound, and fits beautifully into a superhero role-playing game.
(Model Lex of MadeYewLook)
I was trying to model this in MP, which - like VnV before it, has some nice "catch-all" mechanisms, to easily build entirely new powers, which is actually kind of rare in a point-buy game.
My initial gut feeling was this qualified as a (10 CP) Physical Ability, and move on. But, then I thought I'd actually try to adapt an existing power (which I've tried to do with other point-buy games, and the radius on "audio illusion" was so bloody expensive I always simply gave up).
So, I looked at the MP power list and realized "Communicators" already existed, with several of the features built in, and beat the Hell out of that other model (see above).
Roar was modeled after Communicators: Base Cost (5), Adjusted Range (1.5 miles) (-2.5), Global (already built in) (+0), Not Gear (+5), One-Way (-2.5), Unlimited Battery (+5), Miscellaneous (it's sound waves, not radio waves, no receiver required, but requires medium to travel thru) (+0), Miscellaneous (Single Message) (inspired by Emotion Control) (-5) (final cost 5 CP)
So, in a nutshell, looks like my gut served me pretty well, but doing the actual work served me even better.
Also note, that in this case, I'm treating the "Communicator receiver" as basic hearing. In essence, the "Communicator" broadcasts "Audible Sound," instead of "Radio Waves" (q.v. Heightened Senses.)
So, in a nutshell, looks like my gut served me pretty well, but doing the actual work served me even better.
Also note, that in this case, I'm treating the "Communicator receiver" as basic hearing. In essence, the "Communicator" broadcasts "Audible Sound," instead of "Radio Waves" (q.v. Heightened Senses.)
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