Monday, November 6, 2017

MP - Windcharger the Android

Windcharger Ransack Flywheels

Background & Origin: Windcharger is what happens when humans are allowed to participate in galactic civilizations. A group of humans got invited on a friendly jaunt by aliens, and the human engineer rebuilt the vaguely-humanoid, skinny joints and skeleton, engineering support droid into a robot girlfriend.

She was brought to Earth by the humans, and has assimilated well, including joining a Portland-based licensed vigilante team.

Combat Tactics:  Typically she combines her personal force field with particle beam, as the blend gives her good protection and reliable offense. If there are large metal objects available (such as trucks), she interposes them between herself and enemies (like a mobile wall), then expels them away from herself to smash and trap foes between her controlled object and a barrier (like a wall or another truck).

Her particle shields and magnetic bottle stack beautifully when she needs to “tank,” as a way to block enemies or shield allies.

Personality Traits: She has adapted well to Earthlings, and blends in pretty well.  Still, as an alien android, there are the classic “fish out of water” moments.

Appearance:  She looks like a very beautiful, very synthetic, human female. Her “skin” consists of flexible plastic plates, with flexible rubber-like material covering the joints. Some joints have lights inside. 5’10”, 161 lbs.

Powers:  She is an android, with the attendant benefits and disadvantages of an inorganic being. She is not space-adapted, however.  

She has a number of built-in gadgets allowing her to manipulate magnetic fields.  These were originally useful in her role as spaceship engineering support, but have since been heavily modified by human gadgeteers.

Notes:  Model unknown. Photmanip artist unknown.  Character by P. Rogers, November, 2017.

Document Copyright (C) 2017 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved.  Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.

(model unknown)
(photomanip artist unknown)

Windcharger Ransack Flywheels - Mighty Protectors

Strength 25 (Carrying Capacity 2496 lbs., Basic HTH 2d6)
Endurance 26 (Save 13, Heal 3.9)
Agility 14 (Save 11)
Intelligence 12 (Save 11)
Cool 16 (Save 11, Initiative d6+1)

Hit Points 27
Power 77
Physical Defense 1
Mental Defense   1
Move 22
Inventing Points 6
Wealth d4
Luck 10-
Weight 161 lbs.
Total Cost 80 + 90 - 30 = 150

Android Body

Adaptation:  Asphyxiation, Blood Loss, Disease, Poison, Sleep Deprivation, Starvation, Time,  Venom (30 CP)
Armor: Kinetic 0, Energy 1, Biochemical 1, Entropy 1 (5 CP)
Heightened Endurance: EN +6, ST +4 (included above)
Physical Ability: Ambidexterity, Protected Brain, Super Leap (×2) (15 CP)
Willpower: Pain Resistance (10 CP)

Battle Computer

Heightened Expertise: Attack +2 with Magnetic Gadgets (5 CP)

Integrated Body Parts

Magnetic Gadgets: Her internal power channels mean she can only provide power to two of these systems at any given time (Multi-Ability)
  • Particle Beam - Power Blast: Damage 2d6, Range 51”, PR=1 Modifiers: Armor Piercing (2), Body Part,  Increased Range, Multi-Ability (5 CP)
  • Magnetic Tractor Beam - Magnetism (Magnetic Manipulation):  Capacity 30,720 lbs, Damage 2d10, Range 25”, Speed 14”, PR=1 per use, Modifiers: Body Part, Multi-Ability, Single Target (5 CP)
  • “Magnetic Bottle” Personal Force Field - Armor: Kinetic 3, Energy 4, Biochemical 2, Entropy 3, Modifiers: Modifiers: Body Part,  Multi-Ability (10 CP)
  • Magnetic Levitation - Flight: Acceleration 8, Top Speed 128 (44 MPH), Modifiers: Body Part,  Multi-Ability (5 CP)
  • Particle Shields and Deflector Screens - Absorption Protection: Kinetic, Energy Damage Types, Modifiers: Body Part,  Multi-Ability (10 CP)

Exo-Muscular Booster - Heightened Strength: ST +11, Modifiers: Gear (6 CP) (Benefits already factored in, above. Her natural ST is 14.)

Compulsion: As a constructed and programmed being, she is subject to override codes, which allow others to control her actions. Simple codes, such as “stand still,” are extremely limiting. Other codes, such as “shoot your friends,” might give her some latitude to creatively misinterpret.  (Rare, Strong, CL save @ -4). (-12.5 CP)
Distinctive: Noticeable (-5 CP)
Uneducated: She has limited skill programming (-5 CP)
Unliving: Self-Repair 50% (-5 CP)
Vulnerability: Attract Damage Form (Lightning Bolts are +2 attack against the Android) (-2.5 CP)

Combat Summary:
Initiative: d6+1 (avg 4.5)
Unarmed: Attack 14-, Damage d6 (avg 3.5)
Particle Beam: Attack 16-, Damage 2d6 (AP2) (avg 7)
Magnetic Tractor Beam: Attack 16-, Damage 2d10 (avg 11)
Leaping Distance:  31 inches (155 feet)

Windcharger Ransack Flywheels - Marvel Superheroes Advanced Set

Fighting Good
Agility Good
Strength Remarkable
Endurance Amazing
Reason Good
Intuition Typical
Psyche Good

Health 100
Karma 26
Resources Typical
Popularity 0

Armored Costume: Typical protection from physical and Force, Excellent protection from Heat, Fire and Radiation, Good material strength.

Body Resistance: Poor

Energy Generation: Good
  • Particle beam, with 5 area range

Leaping: Unearthly

Life Support: Remarkable
  • As a synthetic being, she does not eat, sleep, nor breathe.  She does not age;
  • She has only limited adaptation to hostile environments;
  • She gains +1 CS to resist Stun results and effects.

Magnetic Manipulation: Incredible
  • Move or crush ferrous metal objects with Incredible Strength;
  • Create a personal force field, providing Remarkable resistance to energy attacks, and Excellent resistance to physical attacks;
  • Fly at Poor airspeed;

Resistance to Toxins and Disease: Unearthly

True Invulnerability: Good
  • She can create a personal force field, that reduces damage from all physical, Force and energy attacks by -4CS;
  • The force field requires a lot of concentration and energy, so all her actions are -4CS while it is active;
  • The force field requires a lot of concentration, and automatically dissipates if she is Stunned or knocked unconscious.


She is a member, in good standing, of a Portland-based hero team


Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.

Sourcebooks Marvel Superheroes Advanced Set (TSR, 1986), Realms of Magic (Kim Eastland, TSR, 1986), The Ultimate Powers Book  (David E. Martin, TSR, 1987), 4C System (Michael Hammes, Philip Reed, 2007).

Random name generator - .

Random height/weight generator - .

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