Saturday, June 16, 2018

VnV - Gamma World Death Machine

The Gamma World Death Machine is an iconic bit of RPG lore, and classic sci-fi horror.  Again, this was something I had originally mocked up for WebRPG, back around 1999.  These things are deliberately overkill, in any game system.  By today's standards, these would be the boss monster that your Level 60 Guild joins with other Guilds to try to take down.

Death Machine

Roving engines of destruction, Death Machines were employed by all sides in the great wars before the Apocalypse. Their exact size, shape and weaponry vary, but they are all super-heavily armored, mount scores of weapons, and have the most powerful artificially intelligent systems available at the time. Some have been trapped for uncounted years and gone slightly insane. Some continue to follow their original directives, and yet others have gone rogue, following their own initiative and wants.

A typical Death Machine is 20m x 30m x 10m in size, bristles with ports, barrels, nozzles and drums, is painted flat black in color and speaks in a booming malevolent voice. It weighs in at 60 tons and the combat systems can coordinate any number of targets simultaneously. They are at least 4th level and gain experience normally.
  1. Robotic Body
    1. Heightened Strength, 
    2. Body Power (self-repair lets it “heal” at the normal healing rate up to original hit points)
    3. Doesn’t look anything like a human
  2. Invulnerability: +60
  3. Force Field
  4. Body Power (Fast Recovery)
  5. Adaptation: PR = 0
  6. Heightened Attack
  7. Heightened Expertise: all attacks
  8. Lightning Control
  9. Body Power (Boosted Initiative)
  10. Flight
  11. Heightened Endurance B
  12. Heightened Intelligence B
  13. Heightened Senses: IR, UV, low-light, thermograph, ultrasonic, infrasonic, +12 against range mods., chemical and radiation sensors. All sensors have a range of at least 1 mile. Radar with a range of 250 miles.
  14. Mutant Power (can use all powers once per phase at PR = 0 and no “to hit” penalties. If uses any single power or weapon system more than once per phase, apply normal multiple attack rules against that one power or weapon system.)
  15. Weapon Systems. It can use any and all of the following weapons:
    • Death Rays (4 units): Death Touch at 2 mile range. Attacks as Paralysis Ray. If the victim makes both saves, he still takes 1d20 damage. 
    • Lasers (18 units): Attacks as Light Control attack with base “to hit” of 12, 2d12 damage, 100 mile range.
    • Blasters (10 units): Power Blast attack to a range of 25 miles for 2d20 damage.
    • Mini-missile Launchers (4 units): fire missiles which mount HE warheads. Range of 6000", speed of 1500" per turn. Target takes collision damage from the 150 lb. missile, plus 4d10 explosion in 8" radius. Missiles are intelligent, have normal sight, IR sight, and radar. They can dodge incoming attacks, or pursue targets that evade. They attack HTH + 5 as 4th level characters. Each launcher has 100 missiles.
    • Nuclear Missiles: 10 intercontinental missiles with small nuclear warheads, 4 intercontinental missiles with large nuclear warheads.

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