Wednesday, March 28, 2018

MP - Super-Jumping Girl

My daughter had an in-class assignment to “draw a superhero.” Most girls drew Wonder Woman. Kaelyn made up her own - Super Jumping Girl. I thought this was so cool, I wanted to write-up a character based on that idea. Kaelyn loves jumping, and bouncing, and literally bounces off the walls and furniture any day she isn’t sick. The bounce house in the mall is her absolute favorite place, ever.

Note that this character’s Gravity Control let's her reduce her weight to 1 pound. Thus, her effective leaping distance becomes truly insane (122,880 inches, or 614,400 feet, or 116.36 miles). Her Flight allows her to control direction and even land prematurely. She can even reduce the weight of others and take them along on her super jumps.

A 116 mile distance means a launch angle of 45 degrees, meaning an apogee of 58 miles, which is technically outer space. She literally jumps into space. Once I realized this, I went back and added on Adaptation, figuring any body capable of leaping into the mesosphere would be adapted for it. Note the temperatures in the mesosphere can actually be hundreds of degrees warmer than surface temperature, rather than the colder we tend to think of.

Her full-weight jumps are a significantly more modest - but still very impressive 1 mile.

Note also that in MP, every +3 increase in Strength doubles her leaping distance and concurrently the height. Add about +10 Strength and she can leap into orbit, or possibly gently land on a satellite (Flight) and repair it.

Now, having said all that, think about the horizon. In a nutshell, she can leap a lot farther than she can see (memo to self: she needs Telescopic Sight), made worse by the curvature of the Earth dropping the landing point beyond the horizon, where she can’t see it. She would benefit from a leap straight up to get a feel for what might possibly be a hundred miles away, before leaping in that direction. Again, thankfully she has the ability to make “inflight adjustments” to avoid hitting buildings, mountains, lakes, whatever. She can leap approximately 29 miles straight up, after negating gravity.

Her Flight is useful to steering and slowing rate of descent, and standing on flimsy tree branches, etc. It is intentionally absurdly slow (5 MPH with a Push), specifically because it isn't flight. It's all about the fine control while in-flight, and the SFX of being able to “jump up walls,” and “land gently on tree branches,” and all that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stuff.

Porcia Alastríona Santana, aka Super-Jumping Girl

Background and Origin:  She is in her mid-20s. She loved bouncing and jumping from a young age. She was a track star on high school, with her exceptional (though not abnormal) jumping and tumbling skills. It looked like she might get a college scholarship, until her high school coach pulled her aside and laid out why he thought she was a mutant and suggested she “quietly retire before scandal can happen.”

Inspired by the idea she could, in fact, Super Jump, that summer she set out to test her abilities - and really erupted.

Her backgrounds are sports and science.

Combat Tactics: Her thing is to razzle-dazzle opponents by jumping and bouncing all over the place. She fights defensively the first few rounds, laying down suppressing fire with her auto-blaster. If she has a chance, she uses a multi-action to pounce on a target, grab him, negate his gravity and then jump away with the target. She can let go in mid-flight, and the target continues on the original trajectory, while she alters her course.

Personality Traits: naive, adventurous, helpful,

Appearance: 5’4”, 134 lbs.

Powers: She appears to have some kind of psychokinesis ability related specifically to jumping and tumbling. She has an enhanced physiology, and is an accomplished athlete with near-peak human physical and mental faculties.

She acquired some high tech gadgets from a friend, and knows enough science and electronics to have modified them slightly.

Notes: Model Miss Mandy. Character by P. Rogers, March, 2018.

Document Copyright (C) 2018 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.

Porcia Alastríona Santana - Mighty Protectors

Strength 18 (Carrying Capacity 480 lbs., Basic HTH d8+1)
Endurance 18 (Save 12, Heal 2.8)
Agility 18 (Save 12)
Intelligence 18 (Save 12)
Cool 18 (Save 12, Initiative d8+1)

Hit Points 22
Power 72
Physical Defense 3
Mental Defense 3
Move 18, leap 1024 (see also above)
Inventing Points 10
Wealth d4
Luck 10-
Weight 134 lbs.
Total Cost 90 + 100 - 20 = 170

Experience Levels: Attack +0, Defense +1, Skills +1 (5 CP)
Inventing: Add +1 Inventing Points (1 CP)
Knowledge: Language (TBD, Fluent, Literate) (4 CP)

Super-Jumping Girl
Adaptation: Asphyxiation, High Temperatures, Low Pressure, Radiation (20 CP)
Hang Time - Flight: Acceleration 8, Top Speed 8 (-5), Modifiers: Fast Acceleration 4 (+10) (5 CP)
Gravity Decrease: Effect d8+1, Duration 5 minutes, PR=2 (15), Modifiers: Weight Reduction Only (cannot reduce to zero) (-10), Reduced Range (Touch/Melee) (-10), Increased Duration (+10) (5 CP)
Physical Ability: Super Leap ×256 (20 CP)

Armored Costume - Adaptation: Electromagnetics, Low Temperatures, Armor: Kinetic 1, Energy 2, Biochemical 1, Entropy 2, Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (15 CP)

Blast Auto-Pistol - Special Weapon: Damage d10+1 Energy, Range (AG×2”), Charges [24ch], Autofire-2 (20 CP)

Gear Pool/Inventions/Power Stunts
Super Binoculars - Heightened Senses: Telescopic Sight +10 vs range penalties, ×1024 distance (12.5), Modifiers: Gear (-5), Extra Time (-2.5) (5 iCP)

Blaster Booster - Heightened Attack: Damage +2 with Blast Auto-Pistol (5), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5); Heightened Expertise: Attack +2 with Blast Auto-Pistol (5), Modifiers: Multifunction Gear (-2.5) (5 iCP)

TBD (-20 CP)

Combat Summary
Initiative: d8+1 (avg 5.5)
Unarmed: Attack 15-, Damage d8+1 (avg 5.5)
Blast Pistol: Attack 17-, Damage d10+3 (avg 8.5)


Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.

Random backstory generator - .
Random name generator - .
Random job generator - .
Random personality trait generator - .
Random height/weight generator - .
(see also )
Dressing BCs for the Party -

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