Saturday, February 3, 2018

MP - Crimson Crab

Background and Origin: He was a good marine biologist, if a bit of a berk. He was bitten by a radioactive crab, and developed super powers.

Appearance: 6’1”, 220 lbs. He leans toward minimalist clothing, and prefers random armor pieces to proper clothing or costume.

Personality: He's still a berk, only now he also has a superiority complex, considering himself a higher life form than humans.

He is in a weird semi-romantic relationship with Desta Bala Bandini (q.v.). They bicker constantly about anything from television, to groceries, to politics and their own open relationship. They pair up well in combat, though, so get hired by organizations looking for muscle.

Powers: Bitten by a radioactive crab, he has superhuman strength, able to lift/press approximately one (1) ton under optimal conditions, resilience and is now fully amphibious.

Crimson Crab - Mighty Protectors

Strength 21 (Carrying Capacity 960 lbs., Basic HTH d10+1)
Endurance 21 (Save 12, Heal 3.4)
Agility 12 (Save 11)
Intelligence 18 (Save 12)
Cool 18 (Save 12, Initiative d8+1)

Hit Points 33
Power 72
Physical Defense 1
Mental Defense 2
Move 12
Inventing Points 9
Wealth d4
Luck 10-
Weight 220 lbs.
Total Cost 90 + 100 - 30 = 160

Animal/Plant Abilities (Crustacean): ST +4, AG -4
  • Armor: Kinetic 2, Energy 1, Biochemical 2, Entropy 1, Modifiers: Can't Hold Back (-5), Unobvious (+2.5) (10 CP)
  • Heightened Endurance: Healthy, EN +10 (included above)
  • Natural Weaponry: Attack +2, Damage +2 Blunt Kinetic (10 CP)
Adaptation: Disease, Drowning, High Pressure, Low Temperatures, Poison, Toxins (12.5 CP)

Heightened Expertise: Attack +1 all attacks (2.5 CP)

Heightened Senses: Normal Vision upgraded to Analytical Sense (10), Detect Mental Waves (Full Sense, Range) (15) (25 CP)

Durability: Hit Points +10 (10 CP)

Heightened Strength: ST +5 (included above)

Invulnerability: Psychic Damage Sub-Type (10 CP)

Regeneration: Heal 1 Hit Point per 30 minutes of rest, Modifiers: Unlimited (+5), Miscellaneous Limitation (only when submerged in water) (-5) (5 CP)

Armored Vest - Armor: Kinetic 4, Energy 2, Biochemical 2, Entropy 2, Modifiers: Gear, Partial Coverage (Light) (5 CP) 
(Note that he has Armor as a natural Ability, and Armor thru a device, and the combination is 30 total CP of Armor, so the Protection values reflect this.)

Crab Blaster - Vibratory Blast: Damage 2d12, Range 8”, Charges [8ch] (15), Modifiers: Charges Instead of PR (+0), Gear (-5), Increased Charges (+5), Reduced Range (-5) (10 CP)

Combat Summary
Unarmed: Attack 17-, Damage d10+3 (avg 8.5)
Crab Blaster: Attack 15-, Damage 2d12 (avg 13)

Distinctive Features: Crab-like behavior. He doesn't walk in straight lines, but walks sideways, preferably with a wall to his back. He postures and appears dominant and menacing even when unnecessary or unhelpful, unless he truly feels threatened, then he seems to collapse on himself. This doesn't affect his ability to fight, merely makes his body language very distinctive. (-5 CP)

Nemesis: He has enemies. (-10 CP)

Physical Disability: Walking like a crab slows his effective movement rate to ⅔ normal. (-5 CP)

Psychosis: Crustaceans are scavengers and carrion eaters. His idea of “fine dining” is food scavenged from the dumpster behind a posh restaurant served on linen and fine China. He is fastidious and his metabolism handles the food, so it rarely becomes a social problem unless he is seen eating, but it does limit the times when he can eat. (-5 CP)

Uneducated: He does not consider any career other than Marine Biologist worthy of consideration. (-5 CP)


Notes: Model unknown. Character by P. Rogers, September, 2017.

Document Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 by Patric L. Rogers. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright others; no attempt is made to infringe upon their rights.

Mighty Protectors and the Monkey House Games logo are trademarks owned by Monkey House Games, ©2017 Monkey House Games. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.

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