Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You try to follow a trail in a dark forest after sundown

Mount Rainier National Park is a gorgeous park with lots of hiking trails.

We went up there earlier this month. We enjoyed it so much, we went back the following weekend to try a different trail (and take advantage of the 7 days access pass you buy for $15, or an annual pass for $30 - we got the 7-day).

We've got some beautiful pix, and I'll have to post them when I get back to my native computer.

Do be advised that the forests of Rainier get very DARK after the sun sets. We miscalculated our timing on one of our hikes and I was extremely grateful that my wife is the smart one in the family and had thought to pack a flashlight! While one part of my brain did enjoy the idea of experiencing Rainier centuries ago, as the natives and later European explorers did, the other part of my brain remembered I'm a console-jockey and really shouldn't be stumbling about in a forest after sunset. Thankfully we made it out safely and had enough fun we went back the next weekend (only started much earlier in the day and left while there was still light to find our feet).

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